Week 6: The Creative Process text

  How did you decide on the subject for your work in the first brief? Task 1: I first started to look into my subject matter after the Landscape lecture given by Katy where I was introduced to the trio ‘The Beautiful, The Picturesque and The Sublime’. During the lecture, I was brought to the…

Week 5: Moving Image Text

How are you approaching moving image? Moving image is a ‘sequence of consecutive photographic images projected onto a screen in such rapid succession as to give the illusion of movement.’ (Webster’s College Dictionary, 2010) I want to create a moving image piece that goes against the grammar of cinema, the three-act structure. Where one moving…

Week 4: Still Life text

What does a still life mean to you? Using the texts below, information from the lecture and your research, write 250 to 300 words to explain how and why you have approached the still life part of the brief in your chosen manner. This must be fully Harvard referenced.     Still life is ‘a painting or…

Week 3: Portrait Text

Following lecture on portrait photography and with reference to the quotes, texts and videos below and making use of your notes from the lecture, you will need write up to 300 words about what the term portrait means to you. You will need to consider how you are approaching the portrait part of the brief and…